Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mighty v/s Mighter

  • We generally associate the word mighty in physical sense. But can't we address a man with strong mind determination and mental endurance with the same name? I definitely agree with the fact people with strong physical abilities should be termed as "mighty" but people with firm conviction in my opinion are "mighter". And which cannot be won with violence can surely be achieved through the words of love and compassion. Hence I strongly believe the proverb that "Pen Is Mighter Than sword".

  • History has produced renouned emperors, brave soldiers and great warriors from Hercules, Achilles, Alexander, Napolean to Ashoka, Akbar, Shivaji and so on who have fought many battles,conquered many territories and achieved many victories. But they all witnessed their downfall with the passage of time. On the contrary, the literary and scientific works of great authors and writers like Socretes, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Rousseu, Shakespeare, Valmiki, kalidasa and many more have remained immortal in the pages of history still today. Their works have awakened and inspired millions towards a new realization and rationalization which left a mesmirizing spell on the posterity.

  • Adding to the list, a pen can bring revolution in the society and at the same time can destroy evil forces whereas violence is only the weapon of mass destruction.So the pen is destroyer as wll as preserver. Hence I conclude by saying "His Power Nil, Authority Enormous".

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